Hilti SLAM Dataset 2021
We provide all datasets in binary format as rosbag. The rosbag files contain images and IMU measurements using the standard sensor_msgs/Image and sensor_msgs/ Imu message types, respectively. The Ouster data uses the standard sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 format while the Livox data is stored in the custom livox_ros_driver/CustomMsg message type. The TF tree contains all transformations between the sensors.
The 3DOF groundtruth is measured using a total station while the device was held stationary, while the 6DOF data is recorded using an Optitrack motion capture system. The accuracy can be assumed to be better than 5mm. The frame of the groundtruth data is indicated by the file name (Construction_Site_2_prism.txt means the groundtruth is in the /prism frame).
Important: the rosbag files are compressed. Use rosbag decompress *.bag to speed up playback.
Sequence | Ground-truth | Bag | |
RPG Drone Testing Arena |
6DOF | 5 GB |
IC Office |
10 GB | |
Office Mitte |
16 GB | |
Parking Deck |
27 GB | |
Basement |
3DOF | 6 GB |
Basement 3 |
16 GB | |
Basement 4 |
3DOF | 20 GB |
Lab |
6DOF | 8 GB |
Construction Site Outdoor 1 |
10 GB | |
Construction Site Outdoor 2 |
3DOF | 22 GB |
Campus 1 |
23 GB | |
Campus 2 |
3DOF | 20 GB |
The sensor suite consists of:
The sensors are mounted on a surveying pole for handheld operation. The CAD Model in STEP format can be downloaded here. The synchronization between the sensors is done by a FPGA for the cameras and the ADIS16445 IMU. The cameras and the LIDARs are synchronized via PTP. The time between all sensors is aligned to within 1 ms.
When using this work in an academic context, please cite the following publication:
Author = {Michael Helmberger and Kristian Morin and Beda Berner and Nitish Kumar and Danwei Wang and
Yufeng Yue and Giovanni Cioffi and Davide Scaramuzza},
Title = {The Hilti SLAM Challenge Dataset},
Year = {2021},
Eprint = {arXiv:2109.11316},